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Tor-Björn Karlsson lives on Grefvas farm with his family. On the farm there are many different buildings, and some of them serve as storage rooms that Tor-Björn lease for different periods of time.
- I continued the business that my father started.
The sizes of the storage rooms vary from 3 to 20 m2.
People need storage room for all kinds of things, such as skis or fishing and boat equipment.
- During the winter people need a place to put the things they use in summer and in summer they need a place to put things they use in winter, Tor-Björn says.
Strawberries for Mother’s Day or until September? This could be reality also in Degerby, because Elina Kontti and Rasmus Nordström have set up two cultivation tunnels on the farm of Bökars. In the tunnel there are strawberry plants in 50 meter rows. They are regularly watered and fertilized, and as the blooming begins specific bumble-bees are moved in to take care of the pollination.
Do you need to move your sauna building of 5x9 meters? Or do you have a jetty that needs to be put into water?
Rasmus Nordström at Bökars farm in Degerby has the equipment that’s needed. He was there when the windows of the Music House in Helsinki were put into place.
His biggest lifter can be stretched out to 32 meters, which make even the more challenging tasks possible.
His services include conveyance of goods with his trucks and in winter time he also does snow clearance work.
Contact: Rasmus Nordström, +358 400 789 313