On Tueaday 7th of October classes 5 and 6 from Merituuli school (Finnish elementary school) visited us at the museum, which means that we've now had over 150 pupils at the museum this autumn. The children heard more about the evacuation from Degerby and Porkkala, which was carried through in 9 days exactly 70 years ago, about what the area looked like when the Finns returned 11 years later and how a child experienced these big changes. Furthermore the children learned about Finnish war children, i.e. children that were sent from Finland to Sweden because of the war or the consequences of the war.

During spring two representatives of the village council visited three different schools to tell the children more about the history of the Porkkala area. We visited Degerby elementary school and Källhagen school and Virkby gymnasium in Virkkala.



Here the children hear about the evacuation from Degerby, which was carried out in only 9 days time 70 years ago.

The children trying out the officer's cap at the Igor Museum.

Project secretary at the village council Sonja Bäckman testing the Powerpoint presentation with teacher Katrina Fröberg at Källhagen school. Local hisory was presented to the pupils and they seemed very interested.